well after 3 days of my weight staying at 148.6 today it is back up. But i also have company this week so it is most likely water weight. *crosses fingers* :0
weight 150.0
bfast protein shake
snack banana
lunch couple of chips
snack protein shake
Monday, November 24, 2008
Posted by beaner2552 at 1:18 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
blah blah blah blahhhhh
that is how i feel tonight. sorry i am in a piss and vinegar mood oh well
weight 148.8
bfast protein shake
snack small smidge of bread
lunch hubby's treat bacon and eggs :)
snack couple of animal cracks
oops sugar dropped had to eat pb crackers
supper meatballs and broccoli
snack some popcorn with the hubs
was cleaning the bird cages when the sugar started to spiral downward oh what fun that was. Thank God above the dogs were outside and not in.
Posted by beaner2552 at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
so sue me i haven't posted in a few
been busy with real life, and last night i fell asleep too early. Woke up at 3:40am this morn with a bad dream i was being mauled by some kind of animal. But it was just the freaking animal planet bleeding into my dream. G was up and watching the tv, i told him to go his butt to bed so he could get up for school. He was still up around 5:30am when once again the tv bled into my new dream.
weight: who knows my sis was over
bfast protein shake
snack banana
lunch turkey salad
snack funyuns
supper meatballs and broccoli
snack sm bowl of corn flakes
Posted by beaner2552 at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
manic monday
i use to love that song still do. lol
weight WTH is up 150 don't ask me
bfast protein shake
snack pb crackers
lunch saurkraupt and pepperoni made me have terrible pains
snack yogurt
supper ground turkey salad with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and taco sauce
snack couple of pieces of candy and some diet hot chocolate with cool whip
the lunch which i have eaten before made me some kind of doubled over in pain with gas. Ughh the stuff was very painful and well stinky for me. I had 3 protein shakes today.
Posted by beaner2552 at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
today was a blah day i have been ill, and i don't mean a nice kinda ill either. I could have seriously hurt ppl's feelings.
weight 147.6
bfast protein shake
snack little bit of white popcorn
lunch protein shake
snack coffee
supper turkey meat, hot sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, and mushrooms. HEAVENLY GOOD lol
snack saurkraupt. oh it was devine lol
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
fridays menu since i didn't post
weight 149
bfast protein shake
snack yogurt
lunch eggs and bacon
snack boiled egg
supper bowl of homemade soup
snack yogurt
i didn't post i fell asleep early sorry the kiddos were with their dad and i was knocked out with the soup.
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:40 PM 0 comments
saturday and it was quiet
went to town with my mom and grandma the kiddos went with their dad to the animal sale. I stayed home last night when they went to that one and it was quiet. Too quiet i think.
weight no time had to leave
bfast protein shake
snack jello sf lime
lunch some of a chicken breast salad
snack pack of pb crackers
supper 3 boiled eggs spread out
snack couple of cheetos
I felt like a hogg with the eggs but they were the small that is all i buy. :(
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
today was early release for the kiddos they got out of school 2 hrs early. YAY THEM and ME. We didn't do much i came home and watched taking lives and they went to GG's house.
weight 149
bfast protein shake
snack yogurt with pb2 added YUMMY
lunch rest of my philly pack from last night
snack yogurt
supper meat pack with turkey, mustard, lettuce, cheese, and pepperoni
snack small bowl of corn flakes with carb countdown milk and 1 tsp of pb2
Today was a good day and my bruises look a little better, although tonight my side started hurting and i hope it was from my fall and nothing else.
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
stone age Wednesday
that is what it felt like most of the day anyhoo. they cut the power off around 1pm to work on the lines. it was borrrring to say the least, i was so glad when kj called and said he was heading home.
weight 148.8
bfast protein shake
snack veggies and dry corn flakes
lunch 1 scrambled egg and 2 slices of bacon
snack yogurt ns
supper philly meat pack with pepperonis, mushrooms, and cheese
snack some popcorn with the kids
Posted by beaner2552 at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veteran's Day Here is to YA
well today is painful for me, mainly b/c i just walked my basset hound down the road, and she put me flat on my arse. It is rough she refused to move sniffing something i am sure, and i pulled her and she still didn't budge, then something spooked her not sure what the heck it was but she took off towards the house and was dragging me with her. I do not know how far i slid down the road but it hurt and it was embarrassing. She did come back to check on me, in her defense. I think that is what she was doing or maybe she was trying to figure out why i was on the ground. My hip is going to be black i will post pics if it happens if not too bad. lol
weight 149
bfast protein shake
snack cottage cheese
lunch some saltines and another protein shake
snack protein fluff
supper meat pack with turkey, cheese, pepperoni, and sauce
snack protein fluff
I am in pain my hip really hurts bad. :(
Posted by beaner2552 at 2:58 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
sorry i didn't post over the weekend it has been very very busy around here.
weight 148.2
bfast protein shake
snack saltine crackers just a few
lunch leftover soup from E. (ckn and veggie)
snack protein shake
supper ckn salad with popcorn ckn and lettuce and tomatoes hot sauce instead of dressing and abt 10 ff
snack protein fluff
E is home sick from school today i don't think she really is though since she started complaining last night, and well sometimes you just know lol
Posted by beaner2552 at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
friday freaky friday
well not much has happened around here today mainly just sat around and chit chatted with the family. We played a couple of games tonight before E left to go to GG's house and it is quite as G has fell asleep on the couch watching tv and Kj got up and went to bed. I fell asleep watching fight club but now i am up and adam. who knows what time i will manage to head to bed.
weight not today hubby was home
bfast 1 scrambled egg and 1 slice of bacon
snack protein shake
lunch 1 cookie
snack lots of coffee *does that count* lol
supper meat pack, pepperoni, hb, lettuce, mustard, and tomatoes with mushrooms
snack little bit of dry corn flakes
i did another shake and i had two diet hot chocolates today, i really had every intention of eating today i just didn't really do it.
Posted by beaner2552 at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
late night chat
it is late and i am getting ready for the bed, wanted to drop in and let you guys know how i did today. Today was not a good foodie day for me i was not really wanting anything and i had a bad day. :( (food wise)
weight 150.2 which pissed me off
bfast protein shake
snack protein shake
lunch some mini marshmellows (thank God they are gone)
snack pretzels with a little pb
supper tuna salad minus the noodles
snack protein shake
i did not eat much today prob. if i was lucky i hit 700 calories and that was with the help of my shakes. I will eat more tomorrow i will try i will try
Posted by beaner2552 at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Oops they did it again
well thought with the election being over it would all come to an END but wrong. Where oh where did all the hate come from? People are just being plain silly about all of it. Some of them even act like they are going to be invited over for dinner. Puhlease..... Get over it and yourselves already.
weight 149.4
bfast protein shake
snack sausage biscuit which i never do. :(
lunch protein shake
snack some mini marshmellows
supper tuna with egg and mayo
snack protein shake
I hope all the negativity comes to an end soon. Oh great it seems as if simply for the reason that i am white and i "didn't" support Obama i am racist. That is funny i should have been warned you were there looking over my shoulder while i was casting my vote. So how the hell can you assume you know who i voted for? I am pissed, and i will steal this from someone off the boards part of it anyway. Being white does not make me a racist any more than sitting in your garage will make you a car. I am sure that could go either way, does that mean that if you voted for Obama and were black you are racist? GET A LIFE LOSER
Posted by beaner2552 at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Oh no D day
I never thought i would be so happy for something to come to an END, but this election has really gotten outta hand. Oh my gosh the name calling and the garbage that surrounds it has sickened me to the core. Whoever wins wins and that is the end of it. I just got back from casting my vote but it really won't matter because it is the electoral votes that will put him in office and i don't cast that kind so..... I have heard so many stories that are just plain pitiful from the antichrist on.
weight 149.4
bfast protein shake
snack protein shake
lunch leftover meat from last night
snack yogurt sf
supper chicken salad with mustard for dressing
snack pretzels and pb
Apparently alot of places are giving freebies for voting:
3 free mp3's
California Tortilla will give anyone of voting age wearing an “I Voted” sticker a coupon for a free taco. There is such a thing as a free lunch!
Chick-Fil-A is giving away free chicken sandwiches to those who stop by with an “I Voted” sticker though I have not seen anything “official” on this freebie.
Captain D's
Good on Tuesday, Nov. 4 Only
We at Captain D's encourage all of you to take time to go vote in this year's Presidential election. And as a special reward for those who do, we are offering an Election Day special on Tuesday only! Wear your "I Voted" sticker into Captain D's on November 4 and get a mouth-watering order of
2 piece Fish & Fries for only $1.99!
Remember, this offer is good only for guests wearing their sticker, and is good on Election Day only. So don't worry about cooking after standing in line to vote. Reward yourself at Captain D's!
Then go over to this link and learn how to get a free starbucks
Krispy Kreme:
giving a red white and blue sprinkles doughnut to ppl who wear the I voted sticker in today
Ben & Jerry's:
giving away a free scoop to those who voted from 5-8pm
You can even get free sex toys apparently
For men, it’s the “Maverick,” a "sleeve" for self-pleasuring. According to a press release, “He’s always there to lend a hand, he works for every man, and he bucks the status quo.” Women can choose the “Silver Bullet” mini-vibrator, which is “a magical solution to difficult problems” and “a great stress-reliever during these troubled economic times!” The promotion lasts through Nov. 11.
If i find more i will let you know. Info on babeland came from
By Mike Stuckey
Senior news editor
Posted by beaner2552 at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
what a beautiful fall day it has been, much love for the weather today. Although i didn't do much today i did go out to GG's house and drink a little bit of coffee. Played with the babies for a little bit also while there, let the kids play a little football this afternoon before coming home to do the usual homework, and chores. still trying to get use to the time change and our meals are still about an hour early but hey it will get better. lol
weight 148.4
bfast protein shake
snack apple
lunch little bit of bbq meat
snack vanilla sf yogurt
supper philly cheesesteak meat with mushrooms, and tomatoes and topped with mustard and cheese YUMMOOOO
snack: couple of pieces of popcorn
I did not eat but just a few pieces of popcorn b/c i didn't want a repeat of last nights sugar drop. I had a shake a few minutes ago and will have to eat something small in a few with my iron pill maybe some sf jello or something. Much love
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:21 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Time changed last night and i still can't seem to get use to it. I fixed supper and we ate i got the kitchen clean pulled the dogs in and thought i had a few minutes to rest before bedtime. Heck i have quite a few it was only 5:46pm and i thought it was a hour later. I thought hubby changed the clocks he thought i did and the only ones that were set were the ones who did it manually. LOL
weight 148.6
bfast: protein shake and 1 piece of bacon
snack: popcorn not much
lunch: protein shake
snack: banana pudding sugar free no wafers
supper: turkey taco salad
snack:spoon of pb
trying to pick up my sugar with the pb i have the shakes with weak knees and my vision is going in and out, hypoglycemia at it's best i assume it is from the popcorn i had about an hour ago. I am in my seat and trying not to get up until it passes, as i don't want to have to pick myself up off the floor. SNF but still lol. :)
Posted by beaner2552 at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
A quiet Saturday it seems
E went with mom to town and G went with his dad to the sale in Fl. Looks like i am home alone for some r&r time. Cleaning the house and trying to not be bored.
weight: ughhh 150.4
bfast: protein shake
snack: 1 carmel candy, and 1 strawberry candy
lunch: turkey & veggie soup i made the other night
snack: 1 windmill cookie and chocolate sf pudding
supper: leftover chili
snack: 2 tsp of pb
BBL here is a freebie to enjoy in the meantime
I also ate some popcorn, G left it on the desk and it was staring at me. UGH what is a person to do. Eat it duh
Posted by beaner2552 at 10:01 AM 0 comments
oops didn't post on Friday
Looks like i never got around to posting about today so i will do it now. Didn't do much of anything E went to stay at a friend's house and went trick or treating with them. We took G to a couple of houses not many he didn't want to get outta the car at most houses. I think he wanted the extra candy but didn't want to do the work to get it. lol
weight: 147.4 celebration time
bfast: protein shake
snack 2 windmill cookies at GG's house
lunch: bowl of leftover chili
snack: 3 pb vanilla wafers sandwiched
supper: little bit of bbq meat, green beans and little salad w/ ranch dressing
snack: protein shake & vanilla yogurt sf.
I feel like i am going to starve the hunger monster is here and won't leave i honestly think it is in my head but i don't know. It is 2 am and i am going to get a piece of cheese outta the fridge, and a chocolate sf pudding. Then i will go to bed that is the best way to fight the hunger monster.
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Nope it is Thursday and a no go
i didn't go to the game, it was cold but not as cold as it has been. I was very tired we went to town today and i didn't get my nap so i was tired. I fell asleep watching tv and woke up at nine thirty right before they got home from the game. The rest of the family went to it and the kids were tired when they got home and ill. Glad it is only one game and not more on school nights.
weight didn't weigh we left early for town
bfast: protein shake
snack: pork skins just a few
lunch: 1/4 of a grilled chicken salad and 1/4 of a packet of dressing ranch
snack: sf chocolate pudding
supper: leftover chili and 4 saltines
snack: sf chocolate pudding and a banana
Dietary Fiber
I am drinking another protein shake now.
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Great gosh it is Wednesday already
weight: 150.0
bfast: protein shake
snack: 1/2 of a small apple Macy took the rest
lunch: protein shake
snack: pb crackers i made em
supper: chili with crackers
snack: pb crackers i made em
i really want some chili for supper so i am thinking about going to the store so i can cook some but i don't want to go outside in the wind. I am such a dork a lazy one at that. lol I went i bought came home and loaded down the crock pot
Dietary Fiber
Fat (
Carbs (
Protein (
Alcohol (
Posted by beaner2552 at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
tuesdays a buzz
i did not know if i was going to make it to post or not. I am sick can't stay outta the bathroom very long coming out both ends sorry tmi i know. I ate some pork skins and then drank a cup of carb countdown chocolate milk, i thought i waited long enough in between them but apparently i did not and now i am sick. Ughh getting ready for bed.
weight 151.6
bfast: protein shake
snack: small slice of bread and sf vanilla pudding
lunch: 4 pb crackers i made on saltines very little pb
snack: pork skins and sf vanilla pudding
supper: turkey meat with a little cottage cheese and pepperonis
snack: small apple
then i had the pork skins with milk oh what a mess i have created. I will learn one day, maybe not today but soon i promise.
Posted by beaner2552 at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
ugghh monday already
wow the weekend flew right on by i don't even think it stopped by the house. sent the kiddos back to school today and they were loaded down with homework. I fixed a big ol crock pot full of turkey veggie soup and by the time it got done we were ready to eat. It was alright not really what i was craving but i ate it any way and got full. The kids ate chicken they were not really in a soup mood but with the temp outside falling i felt it was what we needed and it was quick.
weight: you aren't going to believe this but i didn't weigh today. BOO HOO
bfast: protein shake
snack: small piece of bread
lunch: protein shake
snack: pork skins
supper: soup and some crackers
snack: apple with tsp of pb
I am about to freeze i turned the heater on but i am still chilly. The smell of the first turn on really stinks and E keeps sleepwalking, 1st time she got up she had a clothes hanger wanting to get her clothes, the next time she grabbed my freezer bag and i guess she was going to town she was trying to get the door open. I hate nights like these i have a hard time sleeping worrying about her trying to get outside. She gets this bad habit from my mom seems like she use to walk in her sleep also.
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A glorious Sonday
Well i was quite lazy today I got up but layed back down on the couch and fell back asleep while watching spongebob. Then when i finally got up i went out to my mom's house and we baked some bread then i sat around chit chatting and drinking my caffeine. I am going to slip some decaf out there and see if they notice i really need to decaf myself..
weight 150.6 flow is leaving YAY ME
bfast: protein shake
snack: piece of amish bread
lunch: protein shake
snack: orange jello sf
supper: bbq chicken, green beans and small piece of corn on the cob
snack: piece of bread small
Getting back on track is hard, but worth it.
Posted by beaner2552 at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
the ode to wally world saturday
oh what a tangled web we weave. lol no really had to go to walmart to pick up a few items, and boy you sure can spend alot of moola in there fast like and in a hurry too. If i could stay outta that place and the grocery store for little items boy i would have it made.
weight don't know
bfast protein shake
snack none
lunch some of a ckn breast and little baked beans and green beans
snack pb 1 tsp
supper an apple and some more pb
snack protein shake
Posted by beaner2552 at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Homecoming Friday
well the tigers won. YAY go tigers. Hope all is well with you guys i have not had a good day the mood swings today have been awful. I am not playing i was ill. Flow flow go away don't come back till another day. I feel like i am just pouring. Today was not a good day food wise either i ate some tootsie rolls, oh that makes me mad.
weight 151
bfast: 1 scrambled egg with 1 slice bacon
snack protein shake
lunch protein shake
snack some tootsie rolls (waiting on the parade) Bad bad
supper salad with beef tips only ate a little
snack scrambled egg with shredded cheese
the salad i couldn't really eat b/c the meat wouldn't or i couldn't chew it up enough to swallow it. I was very bad eating the candy that i ate please don't follow in my footsteps, not a good role model. I know i only ate a little bit compared to what i would have eaten before my surgery, but it was still a very bad choice even with flow here. I promise to get back on track tomorrow. I will be better tomorrow.
Posted by beaner2552 at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thursday rain rain go away
Posted by beaner2552 at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
lovely day and tomorrow will be a week since d's surgery on her neck and she will only have one more week that she can't travel. YAY her. She is bored outta her mind, locked down in her house and all the girl is use to being on the go. Stir crazy most likely, i get that way sometimes. Right now my head feels like it is going to pop off my shoulders, major headache for no reason what so ever. Getting ready for bed won't keep you long just a random note of my food journal today.
weight: 150
bfast: protein shake
snack: some pb crackers ( i made 'em)
lunch: chicken casserole
snack: protein shake
supper: finished the chicken casserole
snack: little bit of popcorn
I had another shake and a couple of pb crackers that i made trying to get rid of my headache, b/c i don't like to medicate myself, but lo and behold i still feel like crapola.
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tuesday Biggest Loser day
I love tuesday just because i get to watch the biggest loser. E had newspaper today which meant we waited at the school for her. The boys got out and found something to do while me and koko sat in the car and waited. We didn't talk about much commented on some ppl walking around the school talked about the kids who were outside cursing like there was no tomorrow. I don't know what the fascination with the words are really. Points out the person who used the words to feel grown up. lol
weight 151
bfast: 2 slices of an apple and 3 triscuit crackers
snack: protein shake
lunch chicken casserole small bowl
snack: protein shake
supper: soup with crackers
snack: little bit of popcorn and some pecans
I will be back soon, i was a little peeved with doing homework. E likes it better if you do her homework than her actually use her brain power to do it. She was lying on the floor kicking and screaming refusing to add numbers on her own. I didn't lose my cool amazingly i just told her to do her own homework, i am not going to be there on test day. I love my kids, and they are so rotten and spoiled. Bad bad i know. i had another shake tonight before i got my shower.
Posted by beaner2552 at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
I am freezing on this monday
weight 150
bfast: protein shake
snack none
lunch: pork skins
snack: protein shake
supper: ckn casserole which i made and little bit of broccoli
snack: pack of pnuts small .09 oz
i have been curious as to if my iron is low or not and being el cheapo i was gonna knock two birds in the head with one stone. The blood mobile was in town today so i stopped in and she did all the hoops but i was unable to give for the fact that my iron level was a 10.6 and it has to be 12.5 then she said she would do the other finger, and it registered LLL i dunno what that means except maybe LOW YOU IDIOT. lol I will be getting me some iron pills until i can make it to the dr. next month, and vit c which helps to absorb it.
iron level 10.6
blood pressure 116/70
pulse 90
temp was 98.9 all that and i didn't have to pay a copay. Well not until next month anyway.
Posted by beaner2552 at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
good day to ya Sunday
well i must say i feel a little bit better today than yesterday. and i have stayed away from anything i am not suppose to touch. I don't think i ever felt like that before the only effects today from it are the fact that i can't stay outta the bathroom. lesson learned the hard way.
weight 150
bfast protein shake
snack none
lunch homemade hb soup no liquid
snack protein shake
supper homemade soup
snack pork skins and a couple of cheesey thingys
naughty naughty girl yesterday but i am trying to get back on track today.
Posted by beaner2552 at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
blah blah blah
weight: 150 and i won't discuss it.
bfast: protein shake
snack: muffin
lunch: toppings off pizza 2 small slices
snack: crackers plain
supper: chili from last night and the end piece of g's pizza
snack: muffin that i am paying for
Blah blah blah blah must sleep now. arm is going to sleep
tomorrow with details okay?

Posted by beaner2552 at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Freaky Friday
weight 148.0
bfast: 1 scrambled egg and 1 piece of bacon
snack: protein shake
lunch: 2 oz tuna with egg and tad of mayo and mustard with 6 cheese thingys
snack: amish bread muffin
supper: homemade turkey chili (whoa that stuff was hot)
snack: amish bread muffin and an orange couple of cheese thingys
Today is friday and i might take the kiddos somewhere tonight to celebrate them having a good week, dunno time will tell
bb soon
Posted by beaner2552 at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Forgot to mention
Posted by beaner2552 at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Thursday is Yellow folder day
weight: 147.6 i think i really can't remember the exact change on it. sorry
bfast: 1 piece of butter toast
snack: none
lunch: side salad about 1/2 of it and 1/2 of a chicken finger 2 crackers
snack: amish cinnamon bread
supper 4 meatballs and a little bit of leftover cabbage from yesterday (love U GG)
snack: 1 more piece of bread
today was a bad carb day but on the good side of things i did drink 3 protein drinks so maybe it all evened out tomorrows weigh in will tell the tale. My sister had surgery this morning to place some kind of metal on her neck bones, Please pray for her.
Posted by beaner2552 at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
wednesday garbage day
Today was a good day i must say not just because my protein came in today, well okay i will tell the truth totally because my protein came in. I love love love the stuff and i won't stray from it again. I recently fell victim of changing to try another that was recommended on obesity help and i did not like it at all. Cheaper yes but worth it no, and i don't even think it was cheaper because two tubs only last 2 weeks and i get two weeks normally outta one of my regular.
weight: holding steady at 148.0
bfast: none slept through it after the kids headed to school
snack: oh my glorious protein came in so i had a shake to celebrate
lunch: a banana
snack: sf cherry jello
supper: philly cheesesteak meat with corn and tomatoes and little bit of cabbage
snack: 1 tsp of pb and another shake to celebrate it coming in.
Watched Zohan tonight and i must say it was crudely funny, if you haven't seen it i give it four stars.
Posted by beaner2552 at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tuesday Morning
Howdy, hope everyone has had a great day so far. The kids have to go back to school tomorrow and i am sad. I really hate to send my kids to school i want to homeschool but can't afford the programs that are available. I recently started sending their lunches and i tell you what i have not had them running in the door after school about to starve to death. Last year every afternoon they would raid the cabinets eating everything in sight this year not as bad.
weight: 148
bfast 1 scrambled egg with 2 pieces of bacon
snack: 4 animal crackers
lunch: leftover hb meat and a few tomatoes cut up.
snack: pork skins
supper:chili ckn with some pork skins and i added a couple of tortillas
snack:orange and some more chili ckn it just so happens it is a slider food so not good
I have chili chicken cooking in the crockpot and it smells heavenly. Lots of meat and i will have pork skins with mine while kj and them have tortillas with theirs.
ok so i prob. won't make this very often for myself i did not make it thick enough and it was a slider food. Good to hubby and Emmie but bad for me i felt like i ate to much and did not get full off it. Thank God tomorrow my protein comes in and i can do that for bfast and maybe lunch instead of tons of calories.
Posted by beaner2552 at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
I will repost my photo
sorry bout this
Posted by beaner2552 at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Monday and Happy Columbus Day
The kiddos are outta school today and tomorrow for Fall Break. Although i have not seen Geremiah since friday night at the football game where we got our tails handed to us. Not much going on around here this morning i was attempting to do the laundry but ran outta stuff, and EmmaRae is still sleeping and i will wait for her to get up before i go to town. My weight was up a little this morning maybe by tomorrow it will head back down again.
weight 147.4
bfast: carb, sugar control vanilla and a small banana
snack: 6 animal crackers
lunch: pork skins
snack: sf lemon jello
supper: taco salad just meat lettuce and tomatoe
snack: pork skins
I also ate about 1 c. of cooked popcorn tonight with the kiddos
Fixing to go to the porch to get me some coffee i need me some caffeine. Well really i don't but i want it so to the porch i shall go. Today me and Hubby have been together for 18 years golly i feel old but i love my hunny bunny.
Posted by beaner2552 at 8:09 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
sunday glorious sunday
well i am lazy that is for sure i got up did a load of laundry then fell back asleep. just now dragging my booty up to get dressed and stay up. hubby has left to go to work and geremiah is still at d's house so it is just me and my baby girl home and she is on the desktop stuck on neopets. she turns around to speak every now and then but mainly she is focused on her games she is playing to build up her points.
weight 146.6 YAYYY ME!!!
bfast: carb and sugar control yogurt blackberry flavor and a small banana
snack: 5 iced animal crackers
lunch: bowl of cottage cheese and 5 pretzels mini
snack: bowl of sf lemon jello
supper: grilled bbq pork with a little bit of coleslaw and 5 ff
snack: pork skins not many and a couple of dill pickle chips
it is so funny this morning i got up when kj was leaving which was 7 am and i weighed in at 147.8 ok but then i weighed again before i fell asleep at 8 am and i weigh in at 148.0 then when i decide to get up and weigh at 11am i weigh in at 146.6 and i will keep this final weight for my weigh in weight. My point is sometimes it is better to wait to weigh in. Be back later i hear the porch and coffee calling my name.
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
weight 148.6 dunno
bfast: 2 oz pecans with salt
snack: none
lunch: whopper jr only the meat side salad
snack: pork skins
supper: 1/4 of a hb patty little bit of coleslaw and little bit of baked beans
snack: sf cherry jello small banana
walked alot in walmart and i got most of the stuff i will need for the next couple of weeks. As a general rule i try to steer clear of wally world but sometimes i have to go there.

facts from my lunch today from Burger King courtesy of the daily plate
Nutrition FactsServing Size: 75 (g)
whopper jr no bun or mayo
Amount per Serving
Calories 140
Calories from Fat 90
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 10g
Saturated Fat 5g
Cholesterol 40mg
Sodium 140mg
Total Carbohydrate 1g
Dietary Fiber 0g
Sugars 1g
Protein 11g
Est. Percent of Calories from:
Fat 64.3% Carbs 2.9%
Protein 31.4%
side salad no dressing just ketchup
Serving Size: 1 salad
Amount per Serving
Calories 15
Calories from Fat 0
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 0g
Saturated Fat 0g
Sodium 0mg
Total Carbohydrate 3g
Dietary Fiber 1g
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Est. Percent of Calories from:
Fat 0.0% Carbs 80.0%
Protein 0.0%
Posted by beaner2552 at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
weight 147.8 finally a step in the right direction
bfast: 1 scrambled egg 1 and 1/2 pieces of bacon
lunch: 3 graham crackers with pb
snack: sf jello cherry flavored
supper: hb salad with some pepperonis
snack: 1 oz of cheese curls couple of dill pickel chips emma was eating

Posted by beaner2552 at 6:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
weight 149.0
bfast: piece of butter toast that Geremiah didn't eat
snack: i smelled an apple that macy was eating and looked hard at a banana.
lunch: 4 oz chili
snack: 2 graham crackers and pb
supper: hb meat with just a little lettuce
snack: 2 graham crackers with pb
Be back soon man i am so mad right now but it is so not worth it, just ignore it and move on with my life. I will not let them two get me down, i just wish they would both grow up like yesterday. No i am not speaking of my kids either. Very proud of both of them they had all A's YAY YOU GO and with that i guess that means we are going to the football game tomorrow. Have i ever told you i loathe football? Well i do something about it just bothers me. Oh well suck it up i told them if they had A's we would go. So go we shall
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hump Day
- welcome to hump day ppl half the week is over and the weekend is within touch. YAY I am not planning on doing a whole lot today for the fact that it has been raining and the news says it will rain more. The fact that the dogs can't be outside much today is not fun.
weight: 151.4 Don't ASK
bfast: 1 turkey breast slice with a piece of cheese
snack: smidge of amish bread
lunch: 1 tbsp pb
snack: protein pudding cheesecake style
supper: 1/2 bowl of hb salad got sick
snack: 2 small graham cracker squares with pb - slice of cheese for bed
Crap it is raining again and I have got to run get the dogs be back soon to update. Well it rained most of the morning and i dozed on the couch while watching tv. Hubby called wanted to go get bfast but i had already eaten and didn't go. So far so good on the bet although he told the kids if they told him if i slipped up he'd give them $5.00 a piece. CHEATER lol
Posted by beaner2552 at 6:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: dogs, protein, rain, struggle, weightloss
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Still not feeling to good on this lovely fall day, sinus pressure is worse or so i believe. I have a nasal strip on so i can breath and it is bothering me. I don't like things on my nose it gives me a headache most likely this is in my head but still i don't like it.
weight: 150.6 I dunno WTH is going on
bfast: nothing
snack: found a cheesecake protein shake in the cabinet SCORE
lunch: none
snack: small piece of amish bread
supper: chili hormel outta the can 1 cup
snack: amish bread with pb
ok so me and hubby have made a bet that if i go one week starting tomorrow without cursing then i get 1/2 his tip money for the week. Oh it is on if i have to tape my mouth shut it is ON!!
wish me luck <3
Posted by beaner2552 at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Monday beautiful Monday

Man my sinuses are still all goofy acting, so i still feel like crap and to top it off i ran outta protein this morning. Ughhh and it will take money to order my next shipment from netrition so i will have to wait until friday. I knew to order it last week and i have no one to blame but me. The kids have headed off to school and hubby is gone to work, pups are outside and i am trying to get some housework done.
weight: 149.6
bfast: click protein
snack: stick of cheese
lunch: tuna
snack: 2 graham cracker squares with 2 tsp of pb
supper: homemade turkey soup and 1 biscuit
snack: little bit of popcorn 1 graham cracker & pb sandwiched
I have gotta go to town today for lunch items that the kiddos need so i will update food journal
Sunday, October 5, 2008
sunday morning

weight: 150.4 dunno really what the heck is going on
bfast: click protein
snack: none
lunch: 2 pieces of turkey meat and a slice of cheese with 3 pickles and mustard
snack: none
supper: 1/2 can of tuna fish with 1/2 tsp of mayo pickles, 1 egg, and lots of salt and pepper. 4 crackers
snack: click protein *which exploded across my kitchen* and 1 tbsp of peanut butter
Posted by beaner2552 at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: click, protein, struggle, weightloss
Saturday, October 4, 2008
saturday oh what fun
Slept in after falling asleep way to early last night i laid across the bed with my lovey dovey and woke up at 9am this mornin. WTH happened i dunno maybe it was because i was hurting so bad from supper thought i might need to go to the ER. On a better note we played monopoly here and now with the kids last night.
weight 148.6 yay me!!!!
bfast: 1 scrambled egg with sugar free strawberry jam
snack: click protein
lunch: 2 pieces of cheese
snack: 2 small pretzels
supper: 2 scrambled eggs with a piece of *thin steak* a couple of pickles lots of mustard
snack: click protein and 5 pretzels
I have stopped drinking with my meals hopefully my weight will come down. I drink with meals to maintain. *the package says philly cheese steak but i dunno i am curious about this meat really*
Posted by beaner2552 at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: cheese, eggs, jam, struggle, weightloss
Friday, October 3, 2008
well i am up and about waiting on hubby to go get some bfast when he returns, been busy this week and i am ready for the weekend. 9 week test have been this past week and report cards come home on thursday. My son's class is going on a field trip next week and i don't like the fact that he will have to ride the bus but he is throwing a fit to go. Could someone explain how come any other day he would beg to stay home but on the day he has the chance he is like no way i can't miss this. Kids are so funny about stuff like this.
weight 151.0
snack: click protein
bfast: 1 scrambled egg with cheese and 1 piece of bacon
snack: a piece of cheese
lunch: snack pack of turkey and cheese 100 calories and 16 protein
supper: grilled pork chops, a salad with ranch, and pickles, and a couple of baked beans
snack: click protein and a piece of cheese
I told you my weight would be back up today. I paid for eating the grilled pork chops they feel like they are just sitting there and i have terrible gas. Did i mention i cut grass on a riding mower no less but still i rode that dang thang for 2 hrs. It has no power steering either so it was hard and i have blisters on my hands.
Posted by beaner2552 at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: kids, obesity, protein, struggle, weightloss
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Night time has come
Well i haven't been on the computer much today as it was not a good day. I went back to bed this morning after the kiddos left for school and stayed there until 11 am. Highly unusual for me since i started my new vitamins. Went to the porch for coffee and stayed until the kids came home watched stephen and them put the swing up for the kids in gg's back yard.
weight 150.6 yay me slight celebration
bfast: click protein
snack: tsp of peanut butter
lunch: 2 windmill cookies at GG's house
snack: about 10 pork skins la hot sauce style
supper: bbq chicken breast 1/2 of a small one and one corn on the cobb 1 biscuit
snack: click protein and 1 more biscuit with 1 tsp of peanut butter
today was not a good food day i bet my weight will be up tomorrow for the fact i did not eat enough prob.
Posted by beaner2552 at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: dieting, home, porch, struggle, weightloss
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
hi dee ho neighbor
wake up, it is early out the kiddos are gone to school and i am sitting at home. I already swept the floor, cleaned the bird cages out, and i have the laundry going. Wow what a beginning to the day maybe i can get it all done before i head to the porch for coffee this morning.
weight 151.6
same as it was yesterday morning i forgot to post it though
bfast: click protein
snack: piece of cheese
lunch: 3 oz chicken salad & 4 saltines
snack: 11 pringle chips I KNOW I KNOW
supper: turkey meat with corn and mustard
snack: cheese and click
I really hate labeling my meals because except for supper i don't sit down to eat i kinda grab and go. : )
i will be back to update my meals in a bit the washer cut off and i need to put them in the dryer and wash the rest.
Posted by beaner2552 at 6:10 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Hello out there
not much going on today trying to decide what to do for supper and if i even want to attempt to cook or just clean out the fridge. Getting ready to go pick up the kiddos from school, and i just want to say i feel accomplished for the fact that i resisted temptation and turned down brownies. YAY ME..... lol
bfast: 1 scrambled egg with cheese and two slices of bacon
snack: click protein drink
lunch: small pack of salted peanuts
snack: small peanuts again
supper: chicken salad with 3 crackers no dressing just mustard
snack: click protein and tsp of pbutter
i gotta go get the kids but i will update later on the food
Posted by beaner2552 at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: brownies, dieting, struggle, weightloss
Monday, September 29, 2008
Let's get this thing started
Hi just a daily journal on my life after weightloss surgery. Wow it has been almost 5 years and i really have to watch every single thing i put in my mouth. I struggle daily with my choices and i try sometimes unsuccessful to eat the right things but some days i don't believe i eat enough.
weight 152.2
bfast click protein
snack small bag of pnuts
lunch none just coffee
snack cottage cheese and 4 saltine crackers
supper turkey taco salad
snack click protein
maybe i will remember to come back and post the rest
Posted by beaner2552 at 7:07 AM 1 comments
Labels: dieting, protein, struggle, weightloss