Sunday, October 12, 2008

sunday glorious sunday

well i am lazy that is for sure i got up did a load of laundry then fell back asleep. just now dragging my booty up to get dressed and stay up. hubby has left to go to work and geremiah is still at d's house so it is just me and my baby girl home and she is on the desktop stuck on neopets. she turns around to speak every now and then but mainly she is focused on her games she is playing to build up her points.

weight 146.6 YAYYY ME!!!
bfast: carb and sugar control yogurt blackberry flavor and a small banana
snack: 5 iced animal crackers
lunch: bowl of cottage cheese and 5 pretzels mini
snack: bowl of sf lemon jello
supper: grilled bbq pork with a little bit of coleslaw and 5 ff
snack: pork skins not many and a couple of dill pickle chips

it is so funny this morning i got up when kj was leaving which was 7 am and i weighed in at 147.8 ok but then i weighed again before i fell asleep at 8 am and i weigh in at 148.0 then when i decide to get up and weigh at 11am i weigh in at 146.6 and i will keep this final weight for my weigh in weight. My point is sometimes it is better to wait to weigh in. Be back later i hear the porch and coffee calling my name.